{ "attributes": [ { "trait_type": "Background", "value": "Level 4" }, { "trait_type": "Tail", "value": "Gorby Curled" }, { "trait_type": "Ears", "value": "Innocent" }, { "trait_type": "Eye Color", "value": "Racist Red" }, { "trait_type": "Teeth", "value": "Union Chief" }, { "trait_type": "Tongue", "value": "Satiated" }, { "trait_type": "Eye Expression", "value": "Content" }, { "trait_type": "Left Hoof", "value": "Tequila Sunrise" }, { "trait_type": "Right Hoof", "value": "Cigarette" }, { "trait_type": "Character", "value": "Joseph Snortin" } ], "description": "This Joseph Snortin and its 10 visually variable traits were generated with Chainlink VRF at the time of minting. The chip stack and cards are subject to change based on upgrades. All upgrades are performed via Chainlink VRF. Web3 calls for upgrades are powered by Alchemy.", "external_url": "https://www.ideamachine.lol", "animation_url": "https://www.ideamachine.lol/nfts/pigs/13206754806.html", "image": "https://www.ideamachine.lol/nfts/pigs/preview-images/13206754806.png", "name": "Pig #1" }